Dom Tristram - On Politics
Dom Tristram's Soapbox
Europe for the Common Good

Europe for the Common Good

As negotiations for the UK's departure from the EU draw towards the date set for our supposed departure, here's a recording from possibly the last European Election campaign. Soon-to-be MEP for the South West, Molly Scott Cato, presents the Green Party vision for Europe. She then takes questions along with me (I'm there in my capacity as the parliamentary candidate for Bath in the 2015 General Election). The work of MEPs does not receive the media attention it deserves, and in part that resulted in the vote to leave the EU. The packed hall that came to listen to Molly, as well as the questions asked, shows that there is a large appetite for normal people having a directly democratically elected voice on the international stage - something that may well be taken away from us all in a few months time.

Dom Tristram - On Politics
Dom Tristram's Soapbox
Dom Tristram presents his thoughts on UK news, politics and current affairs.